What are you up to?
You weigh around 13 pounds (your 6 month appt is Wed morning)
You wear size 6 month clothing and are still in your size small cloth diapers!
You eat every 2-3 hours around the clock, which is made easier by bedsharing!
You are not interested in solids at all so we are going to wait a bit, your doing just fine on breastmilk alone!
You can roll/scoot around the living room now! Sometimes I even find you under the swing or playing with brother's toys!
You smile and coo most of the day, well except when someone else holds you :)
Your favorite toy is Sophie the Giraffe.
You take cat naps all day and are not really on a schedule which is fine with me!
You LOVE your big brother, anytime he is around you are laughing and smiling at him!
You also LOVE your dog Tucker although he doesn't seem to care either way!
When we are out and about you LOVE to be worn in one of mommy's many baby carriers!
No way!!! I can't believe she's that old already! Seems just like yesterday she was so teeny tiny!! Happy 6 Month Birthday Miss Lilly!