How far along? 25 weeks. Baby girl is about 13.5 inches long and weighs around 1.5 lbs!
Total weight gain/loss: down a couple
Maternity clothes? Yes. never really stopped wearing them
Stretch marks? yup a few new ones!
Best moment this week: watching my belly move from the outside!
Movement: she has been super active which is a good sign considering how many meds i was on this last week! :)
Food cravings: Arby's!
Gender: baby girl!
Labor Signs: less contractions than before but still having some if i do too much!
Belly Button in or out? In, not sure if it will pop or not
What I miss: being able to sleep on my stomach!
What I am looking forward to: Landyn's birthday party this weekend!
Weekly Wisdom: being sick while pregnant sucks!
Milestones: she can make my whole belly move now!